4 1/2 Tbsp of extra virgin olive oil
2 handfuls of baby spinach leaves
1.5 litres of vegetable stock
1 brown onion
1 medium Fennel
4 cloves of garlic finely chopped or crushed
1 1/2 cups of arborio rice (risotto rice)
2 Portobello mushrooms
4 button mushrooms
150g Oyster mushrooms
85g of Light tasty cheddar cheese
1/2 a cup of dry white wine or white wine vinegar
2 pinches of salt and pepper
1 lemon zested
Chop the onion and fennel in to fine pieces
Chop or crush the garlic, zest lemon and slice mushrooms
Place the oil in a large heavy-based non stick saucepan over medium heat.
Add the onion and cook for minute, then add fennel cook until softened and golden
Add 3 and a 1/2 cloves of garlic to the pan. Cook these together for a few minutes.
Add the rice stir for 1 minute or until rice is well coated. Then add the wine and cook for 1 minute or until evaporated.
Gradually add the stock, 1 cup at a time (Have a small saucepan filled with stock heating on so its a similar temperature when adding to the risotto) and season with salt and pepper
Add half of the chopped mushrooms into the risotto when you add stock for the second time
Stir continuously and carefully ensuring its not glugy,
Using the left over garlic and mushroom pan fry it until golden with half a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil.
Keep adding stock and string for 25–30 minutes or until absorbed and rice is al dente.
Then Stir through the rest of the mushroom, lemon zest, spinach and cheese
Cook for another minute, serve and enjoy
I enjoy this with lightly pan fried nights (pine nuts, walnuts or almonds) blanched asparagus, extra spinach and some roast pumpkin goes well too
Serves roughly 4 and is Vegetarian friendly and gluten free
This is a great balanced dinner that is great for anyone… who loves mushrooms.
It contains many vitamins and minerals which include: Calcium, Phosphorous, Vitamin D (these 3 help with aid with bone health), iron, Vitamin C, Potassium, fibre, resistant starch (important for gut health) and essential fats.
Did you know that you can super charge the vitamin D in your mushrooms by placing them in the sun, this is a great way of getting more vitamin D into your diet especially if you don’t eat meat.