my veggie style

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  • 200g baby spinach

  • 300g Tipo 00 flour, plus extra for dusting


  1. In a food processor, blitz the spinach

  2. Add flour to spinach and blitz some more until a ball of dough forms, letting the machine do all the work. The dough shouldn’t be sticky, you want a playdough consistency, add more flour if needed or a tough of water if to dry.

  3. Lightly flour the surface. Knead the dough and work into a smooth dough, then divide into 4 portions.

Using a Pasta Roller/machine

  1. Flatten it into a rectangle using the palm of your hands. Dust the rollers of the machine with flour then roll the dough portion through the largest space on the pasta machine. Dust again with flour and repeat on the same setting.

  2. Fold the dough. Roll out and fold again and again, then adjust the pasta machine to a smaller space. Repeat this process 5-6 times or until smooth.

Using a Rolling pin

  1. Flatten it into a rectangle using the palm of your hands. Dust pasta with flour then roll the dough portion until its thin and smooth.

  2. Fold the dough. Roll out and fold again and again. Repeat this process 4-5 times or until pasta is thin and smooth

  3. Flour both sides of the long sheets of pasta, lightly fold/ roll into spirals then cut into thick pieces.

  4. Unravel the folded noodles


  1. In boiling salted water, cook in batches for 3-5 minutes if fresh, if slightly dried it may take just over 5 minutes. Cook until al dente.